No one was more surprised than I (see attached photo of Gidi Koren's blog in Hebrew, the poster for the Toronto event and the songbook): the doctors wrote me an enthusiastic "prescription" to make this last minute visit before my next round of treatment as long as I kept my 'feet moving on the flight'. With Michal's loving care and Gidi's and literally everyone's support the attached happened (it takes a village, but especially one extraordinary caring spirit -- my Michal).
That evening, I was moved almost beyond the ability to speak (almost... -- my voice shook...) by this opportunity to honor Natan Yonatan's memory. It was the video projected on the large on-stage screen of Natan behind his desk in his so-familiar study that especially caught me off guard along with the familiar words of many of his poems set to music, which took on deeper meanings for me and apparently for others, too.