Three Poems Written at the Soul-Lit Spiritual Poetry Retreat, August 9-11, 2013

Happy to share my three little poems just published!
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Editor Deborah Leipziger writes in her introduction to this Retreat section of Issue 6:

"It is a joy to present in this issue poems and photos from our poetry retreat held over the summer. Some of the themes of the retreat were Genesis and Remembering. Retreatants also wrote ghazals -- a Persian form which includes repetition of a word or phrase. The ghazal is very conducive to spiritual themes and its repetition evokes a prayer-like poetry. We share a number of ghazals in this issue from the retreat. Our featured poet for the summer, Janice Rebibo Silverman, was so inspired by the retreat that she wrote poems for a new chapbook:How Many EdensTo view our special Retreat section click here..."