week before we meet is
the week before we meet is
like a prizefight every time or a
marathon uphill through brambles
over rocks even quicksand every
road sign brings tears to my eyes
there are moats around every
neighborhood that turn into
rushing rivers of tragic proportions
that sweep innocent commuters
to their deaths the week before
we meet the week before we
meet stands all my competitors
the entire team in their striped
jerseys up straight and linked
into an impenetrable wall
guarding against my carefree
kick that blasts the ball on goal
the week before we meet is
like a prizefight every time or a
marathon uphill through brambles
over rocks even quicksand every
road sign brings tears to my eyes
there are moats around every
neighborhood that turn into
rushing rivers of tragic proportions
that sweep innocent commuters
to their deaths the week before
we meet the week before we
meet stands all my competitors
the entire team in their striped
jerseys up straight and linked
into an impenetrable wall
guarding against my carefree
kick that blasts the ball on goal